The average house price on WHITWORTH ROAD is £148,432
The most expensive house in the street is 11 WHITWORTH ROAD with an estimated value of £162,499
The cheapest house in the street is 1 WHITWORTH ROAD with an estimated value of £134,366
The house which was most recently sold was 3 WHITWORTH ROAD, this sold on 24 Apr 2020 for £125,000
The postcode for WHITWORTH ROAD is S41 7DL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WHITWORTH ROAD Semi-Detached , 69 m2 £134,366 £79,000 11 Mar 2013
3 WHITWORTH ROAD Semi-Detached , 71 m2 £125,000 24 Apr 2020
5 WHITWORTH ROAD Semi-Detached , 69 m2 £109,950 29 Apr 2005
9 WHITWORTH ROAD Semi-Detached , 72 m2 £90,000 31 May 2013
11 WHITWORTH ROAD Semi-Detached , 79 m2 £162,499 £101,000 14 Feb 2014